Thursday, January 6, 2011

Describing Yourself in Spanish: Personality

Today I will explain how you can describe yourself  or someone else's personality. Another post will follow this one where I will show how to describe someone physically in Spanish. Both are important aspects of beginner Spanish vocabulary

Basic Spanish Adjectives You Can Use To Describe People
  • simpático/a x antipático/a (pleasant x unpleasant)
  • paciente x impaciente (impatient)
  • responsable x irresponsable (responsible x irresponsible)
  • nervioso/a (nervous)
  • tranquilo/a (calm)
  • egoísta (selfish)
  • puntual x impuntual (punctual)
  • generoso/a (generous)
  • raro/a (strange)
  • despistado/a (vague)
  • divertido/a (funny)
  • aburrido/a (boring)
  • intelligente (inteligent)
  • abierto/a (extravert)
  • desorganizado/a (disorganized)
  • tímido/a (shy)

Together with the previous post on interesar/gustar/encantar, we are now able to describe ourselves:

Example Description:
  • Creo que soy una persona bastante tranquila y muy responsable. También soy puntual y organizada. Pero soy un poco impatiente y tímida. Mucha gente piensa que soy simpática. En mi tiempo libre me gustan eschuchar musíca y leer libros. Otras cosas que me encanta hacer son ir al teatro y viajar. No me gustan nada hablar de fútbol y viajar en auto-stop. Mi color favorito es el rojo. Mi comida favorita es enchilada. Mi deporte favorito es pilates.

  • I think that I am a person who is quite calm and responsible. I am also punctual and organized. But I am a little bit impatient and shy. A lot of people think that  I am pleasant. In my free time,  I like to listen to music and read books. Other things that I love to do are going to theater and traveling. I don't like to talk about football and to travel with autostop at all. My favorite color is red. My favorite food is  enchilada. My favorite sport is pilates.
! As you see, for describing yourself you should use the verb "ser" (soy una persona ....)

! Note that "persona" is "feminino". That's why the adjectives, which can either end with o or a, are used with a (una persona organizada); whether you are a man or woman.

! Although it is not the subject of this article, note also that the word "(la)gente" means people in spanish. Contrary to English, it is singular.

RELATED ARTICLES:  Websites to practice Spanish reading


  1. Hello..Thank you for the post. Here is a cool Spanish learning blog:

  2. Thank you so much. I have an oral exam tomorrow and this will help. I was hoping to see physical descriptions though.

  3. Thank you so much. I have an oral exam tomorrow and this will help. I was hoping to see physical descriptions though.

  4. This is the best website for spanish writing i have found
    it expains things really well
    gracias !
