Thursday, January 13, 2011

Basic Spanish Vocabulary: Family

I go on with my posts on basic Spanish vocabulary. Today is for the family members and relatives in Spanish.

Most of such words follows the rule that if the masculine form ends with an "o", the feminine form ends with an "a". For example hermano means brother and hermana means sister. Below, I list the words for the family members following this rule.

(el) hijo son
(la) hija daughter

(el) hermano   brother
(la) hermana   sister

(el) tío uncle
(la) tía aunt

(el) sobrino nephew
(la) sobrina niece

(el) abuelo grandfather
(la) abuela grandmother

(el) nieto grandson
(la) nieta granddaughter

(el) cuñado brother in law
(la) cuñada sister in law
(el) suegro father in law
(la) suegra mother in law

(el) primo cousin  (male)
(la) prima cousin  (female)

and the following words are those which differ considerably in the masculine and feminine forms.

(el) padre father
(la) madre mother

(el) marido husband
(la) mujer wife

(el) yerno  son in law
(la) neura  daughter in law

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting Spanish basic. I really had fun reading it. Very Nice. Online Spanish lessons are very valuable if one wishes to learn Spanish.
